Kahaleh M, Tyberg A, Madrigal A et al. Peroral Endoscopic Mytomoy Around the World: A decade of experience. Gastrointest Endosc 2019;89(6):AB193-AB194
Vargas J, Madrigal A. Closure of Persistent gastrocutaneous fistula after PEG removal: an ace under the sleeve. Endoscopia 2019;31:90-92.
Ramírez W, Vargas J, Madrigal A, et al. Quality indicators in colonoscopy. Acta Med Costarr 2019;1(61): 37-42.
Burdowski J, Bhurwai A, Gaidhane M, Madrigal A, et al. Efficacy and Safety of POEM in Recently Trained Endoscopists: How does it compare to their mentors? DDW Virtual 2020.
Pioppo L, Reja D, Gaidhane M, Tawadros A, Madrigal A, et al. Gastric Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy versus Pyloromyotomy: An International Comparative Study. DDW Virtual 2020
Bhurwal A, Sarkar A, Shahid H, Madrigal Méndez A, et al. Technical andClinical Success of Endoscopic Fistulae Closure: A Multicenter Collaborative Study. UEG Week Virtual 2020.
Grant D, Madrigal A, Hernandez V, et al. Management of multiple esophageal leaks with Mega Stent after aborted per oral endosocopic myotomy (POEM). E-poster. Endo 2020.
Kahaleh M, Pioppo L, A, Madrigal A et al. The Impact of Obesity in Peroral Endoscopic Mytomoy on Achalasia: a International Multicenter Registry. DDW 2021.
Kahaleh M, Mahpour Y, Madrigal A et al. Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy for Zenker´s Diverticulum: A Novel And Superior Techique to Septotomy?. DDW 2021.
Leiva J, Madrigal A, Salas D. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B, C and HIV in homeless people in Costa Rica. Rev Costarr Salud Pública 2013; 22: 113-118.
“Disección submucosa endoscópica en tracto digestivo superior, experiencia de los primeros 100 casos en costa rica a nivel del sistema de salud público y privado”. Panamerican Gastroenterology Congress, Sao Paulo 2018.
“My patient has Barrett’s esophagus: what should I do next?”, Costa Rican Gastroenterology Congress, San José, Costa Rica, June 2019
“High frequency surgery applied to Gastroenterology”, Therapeutic Endoscopy using HybridKnife and HybridAPC Workshop, San José, Costa Rica, August 2017
“EMR, ESD, POEM: differences and similarities”, First EMR/ESD Seminary for nurses”, San José, Costa Rica, Conferencista. October 2019.
“Third space endoscopy: the costarican experience”, National Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Congress, Costa Rica. Conferencista. November 2020
Gastrodebates Mexico-Costa Rica. Tips for the management of per oral endoscopic myotomy associated complications. Conferencista. December 2020.
Jornada Regional del Sur."Biopsia avanzada en lesiones del tercer espacio". Conferencista. República Dominicana 2021.
Simposio Internacional ASGE/SIED: "The Best Practices in Endoscopy en Español". Comoderadora. DDW 2021.
Pioppo L, Reja D, Madrigal A, et al. Gastric per-oral endoscopic myotomy versus pyloromyotomy for gastroparesis: An Internatiobnal comparative study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2021.
Kahaleh M, Malpour N, Madrigal AL, et al. Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy for Zenker's Diverticulum A Novel and Superior Technique Compared with Septotomy? J Clin Gastreonterol 2022.