
Alejandra Ochoa Palominos

Alejandra Ochoa Palominos

Patient Demographics: Adult, Elderly

"I am 100% committed to the health of my patients, always trying to offer them the best care and especially to promote PREVENTION. In spite of the routine that doctors face, it is very important not to lose the human side and to separate it from our ego."

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Procedures (9)

General Inquiry
Colon, stomach and rectum polyp biopsy
Lower GI Endoscopy
Upper GI Endoscopy
Ligation of esophageal varices
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
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Medical conditions (20)

Abdominal distension
Abdominal pain
Anorectal biofeedback therapy
Colon disease
Colorectal cancer
Digestive tract disease
Esophagus disease
Gastric cancer
Gastric erosion
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Intestinal tract disease
Pancreas disease
Stomach acid problem
Stomach infection
Stomach pain
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General Info

About me

I love helping people, and above all, always giving them hope.
Gastroenterology is a very broad branch of medicine that gives you the opportunity to perform practical procedures, such as endoscopy, in addition to theoretical knowledge.


English, Español


  • Postgraduate Degree in Research Methodology: Design and Statistics in Health Sci. Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona - Facultad de Medicina. 2014
  • Doctor of medicine and surgery. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. 2014
  • Specialty in Digestive Medicine. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Madrid, España. 2012
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Universidad Central de Venezuela - Escuela de Medicina "Luis Razetti", Caracas. January 2006
  • Good Clinical Practices - College of Physicians and Surgeons of Costa Rica


  • VI International Course on the Writing of Scientific Articles FILACP - College of Physicians and Surgeons of Costa Rica


  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - Intramed


  • Basic RCP - Clínica Bíblica, American Heart Association, San José, Costa Rica


  • Digestive Disease Self-Education Program 7 (DDSEP7)


  • Introduction to Techniques of High Resolution-Magnification and Spectral Images applied to Digestive Endoscopy - World Gastroenterology Organization, Gastro Clinica, San José, Costa Rica


  • Diagnosis of Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity - Madrid, Spain


  • Online workshop: Interpretation of radial and high linear echoendoscopy - Spanish Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SEED)


  • Advanced Techniques in Endoscopy - Ruber Clinic, Madrid


  • Basic and Advanced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - American Heart Association, Santa Cruz de Liencres Hospital, Cantabria


  • Practical course: Advances in endoscopy, echoendoscopy and digestive ultrasound - Bilbao


  • VI Course on Continuing Medical Training on Infectious Diseases: Viral Hepatitis - Illustrious College of Physicians of Madrid


  • XXV Theoretical-Practical Course of Digestive Ultrasound - Digestive System Service, La Paz University Hospital, Madrid


  • 12th Edition Statistical analysis with SPSS applied to the Clinical research - Illustrious College of Physicians of Madrid


  • XII Course of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography - Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery "Jesús Usón", Spanish Association of Digestive Endoscopy, Cáceres


  • Documenting Optimal Long-Term Treatment of CHB - Bristol-Myers Squibb Laboratory, Barcelona


  • Miguel Angel Gassull Course on Intestinal Inflammatory Diseases - Badalona


  • Preceptorship

    Basic digestive endoscopy (gastroscopy and colonoscopy with polypectomy) - Centro Médico de Especialidades Digestivas (CMED). Autonomous Physician, Madrid, Spain

  • Preceptorship

    Consultation of specialized care in Digestive System and consultation of Hepatology, treatment area for Viral Chronic Hepatitis. In addition, hospital guards in the area of specialties - Moratalaz and HGM Specialties Center, Madrid, Spain

  • Preceptorship

    Consultation in the area of Gastroenterology and General Hepatology - Milenium Medical Center Sanitas Alcorcón and Milenium Medical Center, Costa Rica

  • Preceptorship

    Basic digestive endoscopy (gastroscopy and colonoscopy with polypectomy) - Nuestra Señora del Rosario Hospital, Digestive Endoscopy Unit "Endoscope"


  • Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica cod. MED13546Active

    Medic and Surgeon - Costa Rica

  • Outstanding Cum Laude. Doctoral Thesis titled "Sources of variability of values of transition elastography and improvement of its predictive capacity for the diagnosis of clinically significant portal hypertension"
  • Internal Medicine Resident of Digestive System - General University Hospital Gregorio Marañón
  • Specialty Physician - Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela, Costa Rica
  • Guards availability - Hospital La Católica
  • Physician responsible for the hospitalization plant - Section of Hepatology and Specialty Guards, Hospital Gregorio Marañón (HGM), Madrid, Spain
  • General Physician - Center of medical-surgical specialties, Guatire 11 C.A, Miranda, Venezuela
  • General Practitioner - Hiawatha Camp
  • Centro Médico Quirúrgico de Enfermedades Digestivas (CMED), Madrid
  • Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Madrid
  • Clínica Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Madrid
  • Sanitas, Madrid
  • Expositor: X Jornadas sobre Hepatitis Víricas y VIH en Centros Penitenciarios de la Zona Centro.
  • Heterotopia gástrica rectal: a propósito de un caso. Acta Gastroenterol Latinoam 2016;46:294-287.
  • Epidemiología de las infecciones bacterianas en pacientes con cirrosis hepática. Experienciade un centro terciario español. Biomédica. 2016.36(1).
  • Cost-effectiveness and safety of telaprevir andboceprevir for chronic hepatitis C in real-world clinical practice. Gastroenterología yHepatología. 2015;38(10):575-82.
  • "Letter to the Editor: Elastic Pseudo-pseudoxantoma induced by D-penicillamine in a patient with Wilson's disease: what can thehepatologist do?” Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas. 2015;3:190-191.
  • Wilson’s Disease: Clinical spectrum of liver disease. Publicado en la revista: Gastroenterología y Hepatología. 2013;36:86-91
  • Trasplante Hepático. Medicine. 2012; 11;704-19.
  • Protocolo de actuación en la sospecha clínica deenfermedad metabólica del hígado. Medicine. 2012; 11:740-9.
  • Pseudomelanosis gástrica y duodenal: a propósito de dos casos. Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas. 2014;5:346-47.